Deschooling math
This morning Anya and I sprawled on the floor with the Magnadoodle and I wrote out a math problem: 12 + 14, written vertically. We haven't done math in a month, but there was a brief time when she could do two-digit addition. In fact, she did a few pages worth. She'd draw a vertical line to separate the tens and ones, and add each column separately.
But this morning she couldn't remember how to add 12 and 14, and I knew why. I had known all along that she wasn't understanding the tens and ones places, and she didn't see that 12 + 14 is just 10 + 10 + 2 + 4, or 20 + 6, or 26. She certainly didn't see that our vertical addition algorithm is nothing more than a short-cut for this regrouping process. So of course she didn't remember it. It takes more than three or four worksheets to memorize an algorithm that makes no sense to you.
Interestingly, this morning she did attempt to break the numbers down into parts that were easier to add. She divided both 12 and 14 in half, and tried to add 6 + 7 + 6 + 7. Unfortunately, she was then stuck with 13 + 13, which got her nowhere-- but it was the right idea.
Then she told me she was going to write down the "close answer" (close as in near). She said "It won't be exactly right but it's the close answer." And she wrote 24 underneath, because she knows two dozen is 24 and since 14 is close to 12, the answer must be close to 24.
We did another problem, 35 + 43, and Anya tried to figure it out by determining how many fives there were in 43 and then trying to count up from 35 by that many fives. She did count that it took eight 5s to get to 40, but got frustrated by not knowing what to do with the 3, and somehow that idea fizzled out.
All of these attempts (and other variations she tried) required more thought and more advanced math, such as dividing 43 by 5, than if she had remembered the cookbook rules. If kids memorize those rules too early, and spend their remaining time on mere quality control (speed and accuracy), this prevents them from understanding math. But most classrooms aren't designed for allowing the natural logic of arithmetic to be discovered. Math manipulatives are often used in early grades, but when "the rules" must be memorized before many kids are developmentally ready to deduce those rules or truly understand them, the manipulatives thing becomes lip service. Kids will learn to get the right answer the same way that I make my car run without knowing a thing about the engine. Follow the rules and forget what's happening inside the black box-- just like working the assembly line, not coincidentally.
Going back to this morning-- at another point we were playing with marbles. I made a grid of 12 marbles, in 3 rows of 4, and showed it to Anya. If you look at it that way, it's obvious why 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3. One way it's 3 rows of 4 and the other way it's 4 columns of 3, but it's 12 marbles either way. (This also comes up with legos: is it a 2 x 4 piece, or a 4 x 2 piece? Either way it's got 8 dots.) I also showed Anya why 3 x 3 is called "3 squared," since you literally make a 3 by 3 square. Anya got some marbles and quickly figured out that she couldn't take ten marbles and make a multiplication problem using 4, because you can't make even rows of 4 with exactly 10 marbles. (I resisted using the term "divisible," since it won't sink in until she's run into this issue a number of times.) And a while back, she figured out (by playing with plastic circles cut into different fractions) that you can't make a fraction equal to one half unless you have an even number of pieces, which means the number on the bottom has to be even.
In contrast, I don't think I understood multiple-digit arithmetic until at least three years after I had, as far as the school was concerned, mastered these concepts. One day I was thinking about dimes and pennies and I suddenly realized what borrowing and carrying were all about, that it was simply a matter of changing in too many pennies or changing a dime for needed pennies. It would have been a lot easier to have had that revelation at the start. Another example: it was only in the last year that I realized why the area of a right triangle is 1/2 the base times the height, and that is the simplest thing imaginable. A right triangle is always half a rectangle, and what's the formula for the area of a rectangle? Duh. It's embarrassing, but see, I had no trouble memorizing the formula, and then I just never thought about it again. I'd see a right triangle and "1/2bh" would leap to mind, and that was the end of that thought process. So, at best the rules are unrelated to real understanding; at worst, they prevent real comprehension.
One of the more common questions voiced by those who don't homeschool is the whole "What about math?" thing. I suspect they believe memorization and repetition is the only way to learn math because, again, the rules don't make any sense and can't be arrived at organically. I suppose this is why most people hate story problems: because story problems make it harder to determine which set of memorized rules to apply. They try to make you think about the concepts involved, but many people never had a chance to grasp those concepts.
i cant find yer email and my phone is on the frits. i get a new one in 2 months.
so you want to have a late afternoon playdate on thursday like 330 or 4? sam has safety town.
btw...glancing at your math post makes me feel like a slacker homeschooler. ;)
As newbie homeschooler, this IS the subject I fear teaching the most. When my husband and I explain to non-homeschoolers that we will be homeschooling our children, I always hear, "oh, well at least they WON'T have any problems in MATH since you have two degrees in that subject." Instead of making me feel more confident, this just makes me more anxious about them learning and loving mathematics. I mean, what if I screw this up? What if I try to pressure them into studying the subject so much they just hate it?
I agree the reason many people are intimidated by mathematics is because the people who tend to teach math (at least in my experience) have been teaching it the same way for 20+ years--you learn a rule, you do 50 problems, and move onto the next rule. It becomes such a passionless subject that only those who "get" the rules right away can be a part of the "math is fun" club. These teachers forget that not everyone "gets" the rules right away--sure, if you teach the exact same lesson plan for 20 years, of course it is easy for you, now--Sure, the Pythagorean theorem is burned into your brain from rote memorization, but how was it derived, and why?
So, I guess I am afraid to admit that since I didn't any manipulatives when I was learning math, that I won't know how to incorporate these things into our homeschooling....I most certainly do NOT want to teach my kids math the same way I learned it, but to relearn something I THINK I know so well just scares the heck out of me.
As newbie homeschooler, this IS the subject I fear teaching the most.
Barbnocity, have you heard of John Mighton?
This article, written by my better half, RegularNut, discusses him and his JUMP math program. It has worked very well for NutLittle this year. Although it was designed for kids having trouble with math, I think it could be useful for any curriculum.
You could try a period of "unschooling" math, say for 6 months or a year, even if that isn't your overall philosophy. You could play around with math-related objects and games, and just see how your kids approach it and be led by them. It might help you decide what sorts of materials to use, and give you some outside-the-box ideas. The math taught K-12 doesn't require anything like 13 years, so you have lots of extra time to experiment.
Our math "stuff" includes base 10 blocks (1's, 10's, 100's), marbles, plastic disks cut into various fractions, worksheets, the JumpStart 1st Grade software, coins, Monopoly money, dominoes, Yahtzee, unusual dice (such as 10-, 12-, and 20-sided dice and dice with arithmetic symbols or fractions), rulers, tape measures, measuring cups, playing cards, and Cuisenaire rods (thin pieces of wood cut into 1-cm, 2-cm, ... 10-cm lengths). I don't know how old your kids are, but if they're elementary school age, maybe something in the list will inspire you....
Dear Bignut--thanks for the link to your post--I did read that post from Regularnut and I will have to read up on John Mighton as I have never heard of him before--thanks!!
Dear h, my kids are 1 and 4 so I think my husband thinks I am worrying about this too much already, as we haven't started any "official" homeschooling yet and they are probably too young for me to worry about them not understanding K-theory (big joke, of course :)
What we have been doing so far with our 4-year old is just letting him play with the Cuisenare rods that my husband had bought (I had never even heard of those before he mentioned using them), measuring cups, measuring tapes, and beads. I know I have some old tangrams from my failed attempt to become a public school teacher. I had never planned on starting any type of math this early (other than counting and taking about numbers) but lately our 4-year old has been addicted to this show called "Cyberchase" on PBS which does a lot of basic math stuff with triangles and graphs, simple addition and multiplication, so he has been asking a lot of math questions lately.
I will have to look up the JumpStart software you mentioned, too. Thanks for all the cool ideas!!
:) barbnocity
Well, Barbnocity does worry too much, but then, so do I (her husband).
And the cuisenaire rods ROCK! After playing with them for just a few days our son Simon started adding 3-4 small numbers together in his head and had memorized the centimeter length of each color block.
I have very fond memories of playing them in the unschooling elementary school I went to as a child. Although they definitely did not endow me with any great mathematical prowess.
btw, we love your blog. The other day I posted a little ad for it on our own blog. I hope you don't mind. You can find it here.
I totally understand math. In fact, since it's my worst subject, I'm a pro.
Things go in cycles.
Little kids have little number ages.
Big Grandma Kitties have BIG number ages. But it all goes round and round.
There. No need to worry. I know it well, and it is my worst!
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