Not School

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. -- Mark Twain

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Sickhouse

    Someone needs to educate Connecticut educators on the concepts of infection and contagion (link):

    WATERBURY, Conn. --A doctor's note may not be good enough for city school children who are absent because of illness under a tougher attendance policy under consideration by the Board of Education.

    Routine illness, even with note from a physician, would no longer be considered an excused absence under the policy proposed on Monday.

    The policy would excuse health-related absences only if a student is hospitalized or presents proof of a "serious chronic illness," such as diabetes or asthma.

    The proposed policy was drafted by a committee of teacher, administrators and others, headed by Michael Yamin, an assistant principal at Kennedy High School.

    "We now are looking for school to be the priority," Yamin said.

    Best of luck next flu season.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Are they nuts???

    They already have tough truancy's obvious that they are struggling to get kids to school. I wonder why? ;-)

    June 06, 2006 9:56 PM  
    Blogger Production Is Wealth said...

    My husband and I were remembering days when our parents excused us from school to visit relatives, take short vacations, or just go to the beach because it was the first fabulous summer day of the year.

    You know, back when parents still had some control....

    June 06, 2006 10:45 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    All I can say to that is my jaw hit the ground. I mean, if I had to not only stay home from work but haul my fluey child to the hospital I'd be irked.Sounds more prisonlike to me.

    kim from relaxed homeskool

    June 08, 2006 10:29 AM  
    Blogger SoulRiser said...

    Madness. "Best of luck next flu season" indeed...

    By the way, I just discovered your blog today. I happen to run an anti-school site focused on the kids who are stuck there (parents won't let them homeschool), and I've linked to your blog in the directory and on the main page :)

    June 19, 2006 3:53 PM  
    Blogger Production Is Wealth said...

    Thanks, SoulRiser-- I've actually been to your site several times, and I'm flattered you mentioned my blog.

    I read the story about the "backpack-like devices that shock [students] when they misbehave" and could not fricking believe it. Thanks for your site....

    June 19, 2006 8:58 PM  

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